Leza’s Poem One-Legged King Pigeon appears in Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William Carlos Williams. Edited by Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro (University of Iowa Press). A foreword by poet and Williams biographer Paul Mariani places this revolutionary physician-poet in understandable context, an introduction, by editors Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro provides further understanding of the poet and his influence. But the heart of the book is found in the poems themselves, which demonstrate just how vital Williams remains in our collective memory. Robert Creeley, David Wojhan, Maxine Kumin, James Laughlin, Wendell Berry, Frank O’Hara, Lyn Lifshin, Denise Levertov, Wallave Stevens, John Ashbery, Allen Ginsberg, Philip Levine, and a host of other poets draw upon a wide range of voices,styles, and forms to pay tribute to Williams’ unique legacy.
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