Green Tea to Go: Stories from Tokyo

Published Jan. 2005
SARU Press
$19.99 | 177 pgs.
Bay area poet Leza Lowitz, famed for her recent Yoga Poems: Lines to Unfold By and her groundbreaking anthologies of Japanese women’s poetry A Long Rainy Season and Other Side River, now turns to fiction.
Set in the ordinary streets of Tokyo, readers will experience twelve stories and a novella perfect for fiction-lovers and Asian American Studies buffs, alike.
Praise for Green Tea to Go: Stories from Tokyo
If you’ve lived in Japan, this collection will awaken memories. If you haven’t, you’ll find yourself wanting to. Leza Lowitz’ s Japan is never cliched. Her Westerners are always trying to go deeper.
In these many-faceted stories, Leza Lowitz gives us a view of the world as wryly original as it is sensual and poetic. The collection is an extended meditation on the relationship between place and the interior life.
Japan and its people come alive with authentic detail and a subtle, still-fresh sense of discovery.