An honor and privilege to teach an introduction to the fourteenth century Tibetan genius Je Tsongkhapa’s great wisdom with Haruka Takahashi and Makoto Yamada assisting. Thanks to the great, attentive and intelligent students at Yoga Festival Yokohama.
8-Minute Chakra Tune Up
My simple but deep chakra tune-up practice to jump start your day is up on Wanderlust for Tanabata, the day of the Star Festival on 7/7, when we make wishes for the rest of the year. (And they have a good chance of coming true). Legend has it that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and Weaver Star (Vega) were lovers separated …
Elephant Journal
In which yoga teaches me gratitude and acceptance of my body just as it is.
Yoga Journal USA May 2014
Ever thought of making a pilgrimage to India? I made two such life-changing journeys on the road to motherhood. Read about my quest in May’s Yoga Journal.
Japan Times features Leza
Leza is happy to be featured in the Japan Times on November 2, 2013, Article by Kris Kosaka. Click here to read.
Leza’s poems and an essay from “Best Buddhist Writing 2011″/Shambhala Sun is featured on POETS ON ADOPTION Leza’s poem “Waiting” from Yoga Heart featured in Daily Downward Dog. Listen to Leza interviewed about poetry, yoga, transformation and world peace on Blog Talk Radio by Kim McMillon on June 21. 2011
To purchase from Amazon, please click here. The Best Buddhist Writing 2011 features Leza’s story on adopting her Japanese son. The anthology is a thought-provoking mix of the most notable and insightful Buddhism-inspired writing published in the last year. The Best Buddhist Writing 2011 (Shambhala Publishers) includes: • His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s manifesto on tolerance • Dzogchen Ponlop on …
Leza’s Poem One-Legged King Pigeon appears in Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William Carlos Williams. Edited by Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro (University of Iowa Press). A foreword by poet and Williams biographer Paul Mariani places this revolutionary physician-poet in understandable context, an introduction, by editors Sheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro provides further understanding …
Leza’s Essays about Cross-Cultural living in Japan appear in Write for Tohoku, an anthology supporting earthquake and tsunami relief efforts, published in Spring, 2011. To purchase, please click here.
Leza’s Poem “Waiting” appears in Poems of Awakening, edited by Betsey Small. In this anthology, poets speak about experiences of living joyfully in the moment and sensing themselves as part of what Walt Whitman calls “a vast similitude” which “interlocks all.” Includes both ancient and modern works by Kabir, Hafiz, Shih-Te, Anna Swir, Walt Whitman, e.e. cummings, Wendell Berry, H.D., Mary …
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